Making an Impact for National Inclusion Week 2023  

With the theme of National Inclusion Week 2023 (taking place between 25th September – 1st October) being ‘Take Action Make Impact’, I wanted to reflect on the impact I have had since working at Lexxic as a business psychologist. 

At an individual level, I have delivered 121 services such as diagnostic assessments, workplace needs assessments, coaching and software training. Some individuals were perhaps underperforming in their role and had asked their organisations for support, while others were looking to take the next step up and seeking some strategies to help get them there. Some were in their sixties and suspected they may have a neurodifference but had just got on with it; others were starting their career and knew exactly what support worked for them. 

Every individual is different, and as a result I have completed different combinations of services with everyone. For example, diagnostic assessments allow some individuals to ask for exam adjustments; whereas screening assessments often give people an answer they have been looking for, for a long time.  

Workplace needs assessments (WPA) give people tailored recommendations for reasonable adjustments in their role. Coaching and software training allow individuals to build techniques and strategies on how to minimise some of their challenges, but not in an abstract way. Rather than saying ‘let’s look at this PowerPoint on time management’, we open diaries and work on their real tasks together. 

Although these 121 services have different objectives and outcomes, I feel they have had a similar sense of impact. For many clients there is a real validation of their experiences, as they have someone who understands and supports them. This isn’t always just me; I have met some incredible line managers, HR staff, and family members along the way.  

Having a positive impact

Many clients also express gratitude for the impact the services have made on their lives and careers. I always feel incredibly honoured by this, to be a part of someone’s journey, but I am keen to remind clients that they’re the ones who have put in the hard work here and have taken action to make an impact for themselves. 

At a team level, I get to deliver workshops and webinars to support awareness and understanding of neurodiversity. Webinars are targeted at larger groups and have a little less interaction but reach a larger audience, whereas workshops are good for a smaller team looking to do a deeper dive into a specialist subject area such as recruitment or management.  

The impact of these are generally enlightening. Attendees tell me of their lightbulb moments or that, as if by fate, the session has come at the perfect time for them. Perhaps they are on their own journey or supporting another, but most individuals leave the session reporting increased understanding, with an intention to take action of their own.

Here is a quote from an attendee at a webinar I delivered earlier this year on neuro-inclusive recruitment: 

“I attended the webinar earlier today and it was awesome. I came away with so much insight and many ‘aha’ moments, and renewed energy on the topic.”  

I also received this feedback from one of the recipients of my 121 services: 

“I would like to say thanks to Melissa. Melissa was excellent. During the coaching sessions Melissa gave me confidence to believe in myself and not let my condition get in the way.”   

At an organisational level, I provide consultancy on a variety of projects. This can cover a number of areas including auditing products and processes for neuro-inclusion, providing our Neurodiversity Smart Accreditation, collaborating on policies and toolkits, or whatever the client requires.  
Essentially, I am supporting organisations with my expertise as they take action and make an impact for their employees. The impact of these projects can be massive. Let’s take a neurodiversity policy for example.  

In the absence of a policy, an individual seeking support may be experiencing anxiety, low confidence, be taking their work home with them to cope and may be facing challenges alone. This does not just impact the individual’s work performance, but also has a knock-on effect to their manager who may not know how to support them, and to their family who may be picking up the pieces.  

By working with Lexxic to create a neurodiversity policy, this will outline an organisation’s position on internal neurodiversity support, which can provide clarity and manage expectations around what is available to an individual. This has an impact on individuals, line managers, HR staff, and family members. 

It is difficult to distil my role at Lexxic into a few paragraphs when the actions have been so varied and the impact so numerous. My colleagues and I receive lovely feedback from individuals, teams, and organisations, which is why 16 years on, Lexxic continues to grow and evolve to meet client needs around the world. 

I am still, nearly six years on, incredibly humbled and privileged to support individuals, teams, and organisations on their journeys towards neuro-inclusion. 


About Lexxic 

Lexxic are leaders in empowering neurodiversity. A specialist psychological consultancy, we believe that all minds belong. So, it is our mission to inspire a world that supports and values the talents of neurodivergent minds, empowering individuals to be their best selves. 

We partner with individuals, teams and organisations around the world to make a positive difference; creating Neurodiversity Smart® workplace cultures, high impact programmes and delivering psychological support services to neurodivergent talent. We support individuals with neurodifferences such as dyslexia, dyspraxia (DCD), dyscalculia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism spectrum condition (ASC), cognitive functioning difficulties and mental health. 

Our support services include Diagnostic Assessments, as well as Screening Assessments, Workplace Needs Assessments, One-to-One Coaching, Awareness Sessions, and e-Learning solutions. 

Having partnered with over 750 organisations each year, our in-house specialist team of Chartered and Business Psychologists have considerable real-life and lived experience of neurodiversity. This experience and expertise allows us to tailor and adapt our services and solutions to meet your specific needs. 

To get in touch and find out how Lexxic can support you and your organisation today, click the button below.


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