Neurodiversity Services in the Workplace

We provide a one-stop
end-to-end service

We partner with organisations to make a positive difference; creating Neurodiversity Smart® workplace cultures and delivering psychological support services to neurodivergent talent. By empowering individuals, teams and the organisation, we create collaborative and high-impact change.

Empowering Individuals

Our team of in-house psychologists are dedicated to supporting organisations to develop environments where neurodiversity can flourish, supporting individuals with neurodifferences such as dyslexia, dyspraxia (DCD), dyscalculia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and autism spectrum conditions (ASC).

A collage of neurodivergent individuals of all genders and ages
A neurodivergent woman sat at a table with a headset on, communicating using her laptop that rests on the table in front of her

Assistive Technology & Training

Assistive Technology (AT) is technology such as Read and Write, Dragon and Mind Mapping software, that help neurodivergent individuals to perform functions that might otherwise be difficult.

We partner with leading providers to bring you assistive software as well as provide AT training that we tailor to the specific needs of the individual to help them understand and implement the support tools effectively.

Teams in the workplace

Empowering Teams

At Lexxic, we provide training programmes to enable individuals and organisations to understand and recognise neurodivergent conditions, to challenge the stereotypes, and educate on the range of adjustments that are available, while creating a safe space to ask questions.

The content and delivery of our training reflects the diversity of our clients. It is written for your organisation, to meet your needs. Training can be developed and delivered for a wide range of audiences including, Leaderships teams, Line Managers, HR professionals, Individuals, Occupational Health and the wider organisation. It can be face-to-face or online and is delivered by our in-house team of Chartered or Occupational Psychologists.

Empowering Organisations

Organisations are beginning to recognise the value of neurodiversity and the unique perspectives and abilities neurodivergent individuals have to offer. Therefore, many are starting to ensure neurodiversity is on their inclusivity agenda.

However, we find that even though organisations are keen to embrace neurodiversity, there is still a lack of understanding about being neurodiverse, your legal obligations, how to break down the barriers and to support neurodivergent talent, allowing them to thrive and add real value to your organisation.

Members of a neurodiverse organisation

Neurodiversity Smart®

‘Neurodiversity Smart®’ is our maturity model, aligned with the employee lifecycle, that is designed to help businesses measure and improve where you are on your journey to become neuro-inclusive.

It allows you to see how neurodiversity smart your organisation is across the whole business and identify the gaps and areas for development and improvement. As your trusted partner in neurodiversity, we will work with you to design and shape a future that is neurodiversity smart.

Find out more here