Neurodiversity News & Blog

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Neurodiversity Brooke Elias Neurodiversity Brooke Elias

Assistive Technology - Benefits for the Individual and the Organisation

Having access to appropriate assistive technology for a neurodivergent employee’s specific needs can be hugely significant in affecting the outcomes of their work, enabling them ot produce work more reflective of their true ability. For the organisation, not only can providing the correct assistive technology to an employee support productivity by making day-to-day tasks more efficient, it also stands to foster a sense of belonging within the organisation.

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Neurodiversity Brooke Elias Neurodiversity Brooke Elias

Neurodiversity in Energy & Utilities 

The energy and utilities sector has a critical role to play in powering the nation’s economy, and employs just over half a million people.  However, demand for trained and talented employees increasingly outstrips supply in the industry.  It is forecast that the sector will need to replace or retrain 48% of the current workforce between 2020 and 2030 (due to growth in demand, changing skill requirements and retirement), equating to 277,000 vacancies. Research has also identified an urgent need to address the lack of diversity in the industry.

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Dyscalculia Brooke Elias Dyscalculia Brooke Elias

Dyscalculia in the Workplace

Many of us feel uncomfortable when we think back to our maths lessons at school. I certainly have no recollection of how to do long division or trigonometry, but for most of us this doesn’t make much difference to our daily lives.

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