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Neuro-inclusive Apprenticeship and Graduate Programmes: Attract, Retain, Thrive

About the Event

Apprenticeship and graduate schemes are an opportunity to kick start the careers of our future leaders. These individuals enter organisations full of ideas on new ways of working, the latest technology, and a different mindset; they are the future talent that drives your organisation forward. 

These routes into work may be particularly appealing to neurodivergent individuals due to the combination of practical, hands-on, and classroom-based learning.

However, completing an apprenticeship can be challenging. Recent figures from the UK Government inform that there is a 47% dropout rate for apprentices. 

Whilst neurodivergent individuals typically possess significant strengths, for example in creativity, problem solving, analysis and decision making, they can also face non-inclusive barriers in the workplace which may affect their prospects of success.

We will discuss:

  • What is neurodiversity

  • Why invest in neuro-inclusive graduate, apprenticeship and intern practices and neurodivergent individuals

  • How to build neuro-inclusive practices: recruitment, onboarding, training, and talent management

  • How to create neuro-inclusive apprenticeship, graduate and internship programmes that not only attract and retain neurodivergent talent, but develop your future leaders and ‘skills for the future’

This 1-hour webinar will also provide lots of time for interaction and Q&A.

23 February

Developing your Neurodiversity Strategy

20 April

Thinking Differently about Autism at Work