The Value of Neurodiversity in the Law Industry

The Value of Neurodiversity in the Law Industry

Many legal firms are recognising the skills and talents of neurodivergent individuals. When individuals are supported in the right way, we see a number of organisational benefits including increased productivity and innovation, as well as increased well-being and retention for individuals.

Join us for a panel discussion where we bring together a number of legal professionals to discuss how to empower neurodivergent talent within the legal sector. The panel will share their experience and insights, discussing key topics such as:

  • The value add of neurodiversity in the legal sector

  • The current challenges for neurodivergent talent within the legal sector

  • Increasing disclosure and support requests

  • Adjustments and support for neurodivergent talent

  • Organisational barriers preventing neurodivergent individuals thriving

  • …and more!

We will also hear the panellists top tips on empowering neurodivergent talent, and have an opportunity for audience Q&A at the end.

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How to Empower your Leaders through Neurodiversity Coaching

How to Empower your Leaders through Neurodiversity Coaching

Join us for a panel discussion, as we dive into Neurodiversity Coaching and how this can empower leaders at your organisation.

Coaching neurodivergent clients who are in senior management, or leadership positions, can maximise their personal and professional potential within their role.

Research has shown that leaders report positive work-related outcomes from coaching such as improved levels of self-awareness, personal vision, as well as managing change.

We'll be joined by a range of panellists, bringing you insight and professional expertise from leaders and coaches, sharing their expertise and lived experience of neurodiversity.

The panel will discuss:

  • Why you should invest in neurodiversity coaching within your organisation

  • How neurodiversity coaching can empower leaders

  • How we know that neurodiversity coaching works

  • The different types of neurodiversity coaching services available for aspiring and experienced leaders

There will be some time available for audience Q&A.

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Celebrating Uniqueness: Understanding & Empowering Intersectional Neurodiversity Inclusion

Celebrating Uniqueness: Understanding & Empowering Intersectional Neurodiversity Inclusion

In celebration of Neurodiversity Pride Day, which took place on June 16th, we're bringing you an exciting panel discussion with a focus on celebrating uniqueness!

Every person's experience with neurodiversity is unique, shaped by the various contexts and intersecting identities that make up who they are. The concept of intersectionality, introduced by Kimberlé Crenshaw, highlights how an individual can face compounded discrimination or privilege based on the interplay of their multiple social identities like race, gender, sexuality, class, and more.

When we view neurodiversity through this intersectional lens, we understand that being neurodivergent is just one facet of a person's multifaceted identity. Their lived experience as a neurodivergent individual is further nuanced by how their neurodivergence intersects with other aspects of their identity and background.

Join us for a panel discussion where we bring together a group of experts to discuss intersectional neurodiversity inclusion. The panel will share their expertise and lived experience of intersectionality to highlight that an intersectional approach reminds us that no two neurodivergent people's experiences are identical.

Some topics of discussion:

  • The intersections between neurodiversity, such as cultural background, gender, sexual orientation, mental health, socio-economic status

  • Diagnostic disparities

  • Stigma and stereotypes

  • Removing barriers and changing attitudes

  • Advantages to society in working towards an intersectionally inclusive future for all, regardless of label or diagnosis

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Demystifying Neurodiversity Assessments

Demystifying Neurodiversity Assessments

Join us for a panel discussion, as we look at demystifying neurodiversity assessments, dispelling common assessment misconceptions and stigmas, and helping individuals to better understand their own needs before going ahead with a neurodiversity assessment.

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Neurodiversity for HR Professionals: How To Empower & Support Your Neurodivergent Employees

Neurodiversity for HR Professionals: How To Empower & Support Your Neurodivergent Employees

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Neurodivergent employees make up around 15% of the workforce, and often possess many of the skills most important for the future economy: creativity, decision making, problem solving, adaptability and analysis to name just a few.   

Neuro-inclusive HR practices, including recruitment, talent management and employee support, are essential to unlocking these skills and empowering neurodivergent talent to thrive, which can create a competitive advantage for your organisation.  

However, according to research by CIPD, only 10% of HR professionals report that their organisation considers neurodiversity as part of their people management practices.   

Join us as we explain what neurodiversity is all about, and provide practical advice on how you can embed neuro-inclusion within your people management practices.  Here is a flavour of what the session will cover.  

  • What do we mean by neurodiversity and what are neurodifferences?  

  • How might having a neurodifference impact someone at work?   

  • What benefits can neurodiversity bring to your organisation? 

  • What legal obligations do we have as employers around neurodiversity? 

  • What can we do in practice to make our recruitment processes more neuro-inclusive? 

  • What type of assessments can be used to identify neurodivergent traits, and to understand the adjustments that may benefit an individual at work?  

  • What adjustments are appropriate for neurodivergent individuals?  

  • What do we mean by neuro-inclusive talent management, and why is it so important to focus on strengths?  

  • Can neurodivergent individuals make good leaders, and how can we support their career progression?  


This session is for you, so if you already have questions that you’d like us to answer please send them to us and we can make sure we cover them during the session.  We will also save time towards the end of the session for additional questions from the audience.   


Please note, we use Slido in parts throughout our webinars to allow for audience participation. Our event host will provide clear instructions on how to participate, but there is absolutely no pressure to engage if you do not wish to. You will be able to access the Slido questions by using the camera on your phone to scan a QR code which the presenter will share with you, or by visiting and entering a code that the presenter will share with you.

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Dyspraxia (DCD): Support for Parents & Carers

Dyspraxia (DCD): Support for Parents & Carers

Dyspraxia Week takes place 9th - 15th October, and the theme is: Community and connectedness – the experiences of dyspraxic people and parents/carers.

We are hosting a webinar with a focus on parents and carers of dyspraxic individuals, and more specifically supporting neurodivergent children.

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Celebrating the Diversity of Dyslexic Minds

Celebrating the Diversity of Dyslexic Minds

Join us as we hear from panellists representing a range of professions, roles and backgrounds about their unique strengths and experiences of dyslexia within the workplace.

We will discuss their journeys to where they are now, the strengths that have propelled them and the bumps they have experienced along the way.

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Take Action, Make Impact: How to Create a Neuro-inclusive Culture at Work

Take Action, Make Impact: How to Create a Neuro-inclusive Culture at Work

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In light of National Inclusion Week, who are calling for organisations to ‘Take Action, Make Impact' - it is important that organisations consider and take the initiative to create a workplace culture where all minds belong, and ensure everyone feels included.

With 1 in 7 individuals identifying as having a neurodifference across the UK and Ireland, it is essential that organisations are making a positive impact for neurodivergent individuals in the workplace.

But how do organisations do this? It's about focusing on fostering neuro-inclusivity throughout their culture, at every point of the employee lifecycle.

In this Lexxic webinar session, we will discuss:

  • What is neuro-inclusion, and why it is important to incorporate neuro-inclusive practices within our organisation's culture

  • How organisations can take action and work towards achieving neuro-inclusion

  • The benefits of creating a neuro-inclusive culture, and the impact it can have on neurodivergent individuals

  • How Lexxic can support organisations on their journey to achieving neuro-inclusion

There will be some time available for audience Q&A.

Please note, we use Slido in parts throughout our webinars to allow for audience participation. Our event host will provide clear instructions on how to participate, but there is absolutely no pressure to engage if you do not wish to. You will be able to access the Slido questions by using the camera on your phone to scan a QR code which the presenter will share with you, or by visiting and entering a code that the presenter will share with you.

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Introducing Our New E-Learning Modules

Introducing Our New E-Learning Modules

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Join us as we deep-dive into our SIX brand new e-Learning modules!

  • Reading

  • Listening, Note-Taking, and Processing

  • Attention, Memory, and Sensory Sensitivities

  • Written and Verbal Communication

  • Organisation

  • Wellbeing

Throughout this 30-minute session, our dedicated neurodiversity expert will guide you through our e-Learning platform whilst exploring a diverse array of content from within each module.

You'll leave with first-hand experience of just how interactive and enlightening each new module is!

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Empowering Neurodivergent Leaders

Empowering Neurodivergent Leaders

Helen Musgrove, Director of Psychological Consulting at Lexxic, will be in conversation with Lucy Hobbs to discuss why neurodivergent individuals can make great leaders, how we can remove barriers to their success, and why this matters. 

Lucy has worked as a creative art director and writer for over 20 years at some of London’s best-known advertising and digital agencies.  A neurodivergent leader herself, Lucy is the founder of The Future is Neurodiverse, a network which champions and empowers neurodiversity in the creative and tech industries, and organises their annual ND Leaders event

Join Helen and Lucy as they delve into the following big questions:

  • Why can neurodivergent individuals make great leaders?

  • Why have so many neurodivergent leaders stepped outside existing organisational structures to succeed?

  • What are the systemic barriers and practices that can prevent neurodivergent individuals progressing up the corporate ladder?

  • What practical action can organisations take to remove these barriers and support neurodivergent talent to thrive?

  • How can empowering neurodivergent leaders benefit decision making, engagement and culture in organisations?

  • Why is it important to showcase and celebrate neurodivergent leaders, and how can we do this?”

We will also have time for Q & A at the end.

Please note, we use Slido in parts throughout our webinars to allow for audience participation. Our event host will provide clear instructions on how to participate, but there is absolutely no pressure to engage if you do not wish to. You will be able to access the Slido questions by using the camera on your phone to scan a QR code which the presenter will share with you, or by visiting and entering a code that the presenter will share with you.


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Neurodiversity: Transitioning from Education into Work

Neurodiversity: Transitioning from Education into Work

For many neurodivergent individuals, discrimination and a lack of support during their education has led to trauma and challenges that have affected them later in their careers. However, it is these neurodivergent thinking styles and different skill sets that are helping to drive the future of our workplace.

With many school leavers currently looking at what is next, we hope to highlight important support and adjustments that are available to neurodivergent school leavers, to help grow your confidence in achieving your career goals.

In this Webinar, we will cover:

  • What is neurodiversity and the value it adds to our future workplace.

  • Challenges that neurodivergent individuals face in the current school system, and how this can impact on mental health and self-belief going into their careers.

  • What support and adjustments you can access in higher education and in the workplace, with examples of good practice.

We will also have time for Q & A at the end.

Please note, we use Slido in parts throughout our webinars to allow for audience participation. Our event host will provide clear instructions on how to participate, but there is absolutely no pressure to engage if you do not wish to. You will be able to access the Slido questions by using the camera on your phone to scan a QR code which the presenter will share with you, or by visiting and entering a code that the presenter will share with you.

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Neuro-inclusive Product Development & Innovation

Neuro-inclusive Product Development & Innovation

Up to 20% of the global population are neurodivergent. That's 20% of consumers, customers, clients and service users that interact with products differently to 'the norm'.

In this session we will explore neurodiversity, inclusion and how it relates to the design, development and innovation of products.

We will discuss:

  • What is Neurodiversity

  • Product & Design Barriers

  • Neuro-inclusive Design Principles

  • Examples of Neuro-inclusive Design

  • How to Make your Product & Design Process Neuro-inclusive

  • How Lexxic can help, and lots more!

We will also have time for Q & A at the end.

Please note, we use Slido in parts throughout our webinars to allow for audience participation. Our event host will provide clear instructions on how to participate, but there is absolutely no pressure to engage if you do not wish to. You will be able to access the Slido questions by using the camera on your phone to scan a QR code which the presenter will share with you, or by visiting and entering a code that the presenter will share with you.

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Neuro-inclusive Communications: The Importance of Getting it Right

Neuro-inclusive Communications: The Importance of Getting it Right

Neuro-inclusion in the workplace involves proactively supporting and empowering neurodivergent individuals at every point of the employee lifecycle. Part of this is how we communicate, which is crucial to ensuring that neurodivergent individuals are able to obtain and interpret information with ease.

In order to achieve neuro-inclusion, we must also consider how we can incorporate neuro-inclusive practices into our communications, both in verbal and written contexts. This can be done via communicating more effectively towards different employees' needs, which can contribute to creating a more inclusive workplace culture within an organisation.

In this session we will discuss:

  • What is neuro-inclusion and how this can be considered in our communications

  • What verbal and written practical applications we can incorporate to support employees' needs

  • The benefits of incorporating neuro-inclusive communications throughout an organisation

  • Available support from Lexxic

  • …and more!

There will be some time towards the end for audience Q&A.

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First Steps to Building your Neurodiversity Employee Resource Group (ERG)

First Steps to Building your Neurodiversity Employee Resource Group (ERG)

Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) are employee-led groups which bring together members who share a common identity. They may drive forward initiatives to support individual members and work with the organisation to incorporate Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) throughout the culture.

In this webinar, we will be exploring the different considerations to take into account when building a Neurodiversity ERG.

The session will be delivered by Abigail Tennant who is a Consulting Business Psychologist at Lexxic.  Abigail has lived experience of being diagnosed with dyslexia and has recently been diagnosed with ADHD at age 36. She has also helped to set up and is the chair for Lexxic’s All Minds Belong neurodiversity ERG.  

In this session, we will discuss:

  • What an ERG is and how ERGs can benefit organisations and individuals

  • The dual role of an ERG: peer support for neurodiverse employees, and advocacy and awareness on Neuroinclusion.

  • Inclusion for parents and carers, and intersectionality - the relationship with other ERGs

  • The respective roles of the organisation and the ERG  

  • Good practice examples

The webinar will be interactive, and there will be some time set aside for Q&A.

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Powering the Future: Supporting Neurodiverse Talent in Energy, Utilities and Engineering

Powering the Future: Supporting Neurodiverse Talent in Energy, Utilities and Engineering

About the Event

Join Helen Musgrove from Lexxic will be in conversation with Jane Petit, CEO of Foothold, Ishbel Inkster, Director of Employee Engagement at Neptune Energy and Martin Griffin, Senior Mining Geotechnical Engineer.

Join us to find out more about neurodiversity, and why recruiting and empowering neurodivergent talent is key to addressing the sector’s skills challenges and increasing diversity, productivity, innovation and employee engagement.

 The panel will discuss:

  • Why it is important for the sector to become more neuro-inclusive, and how the panellists’ organisations are approaching this challenge.

  • Why there is a good fit between the skill requirements of the sector, and the strengths often associated with neurodiversity.

  • The experiences of neurodivergent individuals in the sector.

  • How Foothold’s Differently Wired Hub and Engineering Neurodiverse Futures Programme (funded by Neptune Energy) are supporting neurodivergent engineering students, apprentices, graduates and professionals to access and succeed in the profession. 

  • How organisations in the sector can attract more neurodivergent apprentices and graduates, and set them up for success.


Panel Chair | Helen Musgrove

Helen Musgrove is Director of Psychological Consulting at Lexxic.  Lexxic is a specialist psychology consultancy delivering assessment and support services to neurodivergent talent and partnering with organisations to help them become more neuro-inclusive.  Helen became a business psychologist following a career as a Senior Civil Servant tackling some of the UK’s biggest social policy challenges.  She is passionate about celebrating neurodiversity and breaking down the barriers neurodivergent individuals can experience at work.

Ishbel Inkster

Director of Employee Experience at Neptune Energy, Ishbel has a global role supporting all aspects of employee engagement, reward, talent, HRIS and HR operations – making Neptune a great, safe, place to work for everyone. Prior to Neptune she has held a number of global HR roles, working internationally,  in companies including General Electric, Wood Group and Hewlett Packard.  She holds a first-class honours degree in Business Studies and a postgraduate diploma in Human Resource management and outside of work uses her time to mentor others and support local charities. 

Jane Petit

Jane is the CEO of the global charity Foothold, The Institution of Engineering and Technology Benevolent Fund, which strives to increase the well-being of engineers and their families worldwide. Formally a nurse of 25 yrs and with a strong history of working with national and local charities, one of Jane’s key strengths is matching the needs of the community she is serving with the aspirations of funders and developing solutions that support both. At Foothold this has led to the development of the Wellbeing Hub in partnership with Matchtech which supports the health and well-being of engineers and their families. Working with Neptune Energy, the “Differently Wired Hub” focuses on the needs of neurodivergent engineers and those who support, employ or care about them and provides specific assistance through the “Funding Neurodiverse Futures” programme for engineering students and apprentices who feel they may be neurodivergent and are struggling to fund a diagnosis.

Martin Griffin

Martin Griffin is a UK-based Senior Mining Geotechnical Engineer who is a chartered engineer and a chartered geologist and works for the international multidisciplinary niche consultancy Knight Piésold in their London office.  He is neurodivergent (autistic dyslexic and dyspraxic) and registered as disabled by being visually impaired.  He is the current Vice President for Equity, Diversity and inclusion for the Geological Society of London.  Martin is a passionate, focused, tireless award-winning EDI Champion and Advocate, since 2013 in the geoscience and engineering sectors, acting as a presenter, advisor, mentor, and is a frequent LinkedIn blogger on all aspects of EDI, disability and neurodiversity in the workplace and society.

Colin McDermid

Apprenticeship Manager at Centrica - More details coming soon!

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What Does it Mean to be Neurodiversity Smart?

What Does it Mean to be Neurodiversity Smart?

What does it mean to be Neurodiversity Smart?

Neurodiversity Smart is Lexxic's maturity model. In this webinar, we will discuss how to embed neuro-inclusion throughout your organisation, by taking action across all aspects of organisational life, both for employees and customers.

There is a strong moral and legal case for neuro-inclusion, but there is also a strong business case. In a world where the competition for talent is fierce, creating a culture where all employees are understood, valued for their talents and treated equitably can increase talent acquisition, engagement, retention, and loyalty.

According to the Harvard Business Review, companies that embrace neurodiversity can also gain a competitive advantage because neurodivergent individuals often possess strengths which are critical to our future economy.

In this session we will cover:

  • What we mean by neuro-inclusion and the importance of treating it as a business priority, with a strategic approach across the employee lifecycle and customer experience.

  • The benefits of neurodiversity and neuro-inclusion for productivity, innovation, employee engagement, retention and talent acquisition

  • Practical advice on creating a neuro-inclusive culture and leadership, including changing the narrative around neurodiversity, listening to the voices of neurodivergent employees, providing proactive and tailored support and ‘designing in’ neuro-inclusion.

  • How Lexxic can support organisations on their journey to neuro-inclusion through our ND Smart accreditation process, audits and awareness and education services.

  • An introduction to our new ND Smart Employer Guide.

There will also be time set aside for Q&A.

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The Correlation between Neurodiversity & Mental Health

The Correlation between Neurodiversity & Mental Health

Mental health conditions can sometimes be a secondary symptom of an underlying neurodifference.

It is common for neurodifferences to go undiagnosed, particularly amongst women and girls.  In some cases, an underlying neurodifference can be misdiagnosed as a mental health condition such as bipolar, depression, anxiety or a personality disorder. Living with a neurodifference - particularly if it is not recognised as such - can also impact mental health.

In this webinar, we will be exploring the link between neurodiversity and mental health, and some potential reasons behind misdiagnosed neurodifferences and the impact it can have on an individual's mental health.

The session will be delivered by Abigail Tennant who is a Consultant Business Psychologist at Lexxic. Abigail has lived experience of being diagnosed with dyslexia, depression and anxiety and has recently been diagnosed with ADHD at age 36.

In this session, we will discuss:

  • Misdiagnosis of neurodiversity and mental health

  • Why misdiagnosis may occur

  • What changes we can make in the workplace to support the mental wellbeing of individuals with a neurodifference

  • Support that Lexxic can provide on neurodiversity and mental health.

The webinar will be interactive, and there will be some time set aside for Q&A.

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Let's Talk about Neuro-inclusive Practical Working Environments

Let's Talk about Neuro-inclusive Practical Working Environments

About the event

Creating an environment for neurodivergent talent to excel is a crucial part of future-proofing the organisation and creating psychological safety for all. Work environments and policies vary across organisations, and there are multiple factors and environments to consider when thinking about how we can make our workplaces neuro-inclusive.

In this webinar, we will be exploring Neurodiversity in practical work environments and what changes you could make to make it more neuro-inclusive. We will also be joined by a panel of guests from practical working environments to discuss what changes they have made for their employees to enable them to thrive.


In this session, we will discuss:

  • Defining Neurodiversity, common diagnosis and characteristics, and the value that neurodiversity brings to organisations.

  • Common challenges neurodivergent individuals may face in practical work environment.

  • What changes we can make in practical environments.

  • Support that Lexxic can provide.


There will also be lots of time for interaction and Q&A.

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Neurodiversity & Assistive Technology Adjustments

Neurodiversity & Assistive Technology Adjustments

Assistive technology is commonly used across the workplace, particularly to support neurodivergent individuals to work more efficiently and with ease. There are many different types of assistive technologies available today. In this webinar we will explore the different types of technology available, how to utilise them and ending with a panel discussion.

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Thinking Differently about Autism at Work

Thinking Differently about Autism at Work

With World Autism Month taking place in April, neurodiversity specialists Lexxic and the Business Disability Forum are excited to be partnering for a special event focusing on Autism at Work.

You will hear from a range of panellists, all autistic, with the goal of challenging stereotypes and showing good practice examples.

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