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What Does it Mean to be Neurodiversity Smart?

What does it mean to be Neurodiversity Smart?

Neurodiversity Smart is Lexxic's maturity model. In this webinar, we will discuss how to embed neuro-inclusion throughout your organisation, by taking action across all aspects of organisational life, both for employees and customers.

There is a strong moral and legal case for neuro-inclusion, but there is also a strong business case. In a world where the competition for talent is fierce, creating a culture where all employees are understood, valued for their talents and treated equitably can increase talent acquisition, engagement, retention, and loyalty.

According to the Harvard Business Review, companies that embrace neurodiversity can also gain a competitive advantage because neurodivergent individuals often possess strengths which are critical to our future economy.

In this session we will cover:

  • What we mean by neuro-inclusion and the importance of treating it as a business priority, with a strategic approach across the employee lifecycle and customer experience.

  • The benefits of neurodiversity and neuro-inclusion for productivity, innovation, employee engagement, retention and talent acquisition

  • Practical advice on creating a neuro-inclusive culture and leadership, including changing the narrative around neurodiversity, listening to the voices of neurodivergent employees, providing proactive and tailored support and ‘designing in’ neuro-inclusion.

  • How Lexxic can support organisations on their journey to neuro-inclusion through our ND Smart accreditation process, audits and awareness and education services.

  • An introduction to our new ND Smart Employer Guide.

There will also be time set aside for Q&A.

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